Review: The Midnight Rose by Catalina Paris


The Alchemyst
The Faerie
The Witch
The Warlock

Leo is a sixteen-year-old apprentice at the Alchemical Court until one night changes everything. When the castle is attacked and Leo is told to flee, he creates a new portal using the strange runes left behind in his missing master’s notebook. Arriving in the mysterious Realm of the Fey, a place long forgotten by mortals and Alchemysts alike, Leo meets the enchanting Lady Lisandre, a young faerie in need of his help. Together they quickly learn both their worlds are under threat from the elusive Dark Alchemyst; unless they find the mythical Talismans of Atlantica before he does. . Along the way they encounter Flora, a charming witch on a search for the truth of her family, as well as Leo’s former classmate, a warlock with questionable intentions, Lucien. The four of them are soon drawn together as they face numerous dangers and challenges to find and retrieve the talismans. Set in an alternative magical renaissance, The Midnight Rose is a spell-binding fantasy adventure unlike any other.

Favorite Lines:

“Each is encouraged to follow their heart’s calling from an early age…It is for the greatest benefit of the whole to have each specialize in their passion, as we value what each contributes.”

“Elegant rose bushes lined the gravel pathway, their leaves shimmering in the warm glow of the torchlight…Purple and pink fuchsias grew in abundance everywhere, hanging from baskets underneath the stone balconies.”

My Opinion:

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.

First off, I wanted to quickly say that I really like the cover to this book; I think it is simple and beautiful. Now, let’s get into the review – this story follows Leo who must leave his home in the Alchemical Court and begin a quest to find scrolls and talismans that will be used as protection against the Dark Wizard. I thought this was an interesting premise and creative world building however, the story was hard to follow at times. In some areas there were very detailed descriptors but in others, I felt like details that were important were just skated over.

It is obvious that Paris put a lot of thought and effort into this book and while the premise is interesting, I just wish the whole thing slowed down and flowed more smoothly. Despite all of that, I still think it was still a decent read full of magic. Hopefully the rest of the series goes into more detail on the things that were missed in this book.


Overall, this was a creative fantasy story and I am interested to see where Paris takes this next. If you like fantasy, alchemy, action, adventure, and magic, then this book could be for you. Happy reading!

Check out The Midnight Rose here!

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