Review: The Mutiny of the American Foreign Legion by Neal Alexander


Hugo Ayala has burned his bridges with the Colombian military by denouncing murders committed by his former officers. After surviving a bloody assignment in Yemen with an American security company, he completes U.S. Army basic training. But he’s blocked from becoming a green card soldier by new anti-immigration laws. He stays on as an illegal, and joins the American Foreign Legion, an immigration rights group whose members have fought for the USA.

Meanwhile, Immigration and Customs Enforcement is detaining and deporting thousands of people a day, without due process. But now the communities being targeted include Hugo and others who know how to fight back. The leader of the AFL has his own political backers and doubtful motives. As each side ratchets up the violence, American political unity starts to crack.

This gripping thriller which draws on current events and little-known facts:

– Many non-citizens serve in the US armed forces and as employees of American security contractors. For example, the second US Marine killed in action in the Iraq War was Guatemalan. A recent MIT study of these green card soldiers is subtitled “Between Model Immigrant and Security Threat”.

– Border Patrol agents “have gone from having one of the most obscure jobs in law enforcement to one of the most hated,” according to the New York Times. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deport people without due process, including US Citizens.

– A recent Chicago Tribune op-ed describes how current how the current “struggles over immigration echo the conflict over slavery”. Confrontations in Texas over immigration have been described as “civil war” in the New York Times.

Favorite Lines:

“When you’re under fire, do you think any category is going to protect you?”

“So you’re doubly illegal, man. just who we need at these peace talks.”

My Opinion:

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest opinion.

This story mostly follows Hugo Ayala, an immigrant soldier who comes to the US and originally plans to enlist as a green card solider but finds himself blocked due to anti-immigration laws. Despite this road block, he finds a new way to fight for immigration rights and the US by joining the American Foreign Legion, an immigration rights group. Hugo quickly finds himself thrown into a chaotic world full of hidden agendas that has him questioning who he can really trust.

When I received the review request from this book, I was on the fence about reading it but I have been branching out a lot recently to genres/books that I wouldn’t normally read and have been pleasantly surprised every time; this book was no exception. While technically fiction, this book sheds light on real, current events that are taking place in the US that many people probably know nothing about.

Alexander did a great job at creating a fictitious story that walks the line of reality. I thought the world building and character writing were both very well done and the creative way that Alexander introduced real-life political issues throughout was just the cherry on top. The pacing was just right for the story being told and I found myself at the edge of my seat several times, turning page after page to see what happens next.

One thing to note is that there are a lot of PoV changes. It seems like every chapter is flipping from one character/setting to another so pay attention to this as you read through. Once I got settled in with all the characters and storylines, I didn’t find it hard to follow and I especially enjoyed Valentina’s scenes journey. 


Overall, if you like fiction that straddles the lines of reality and that touches on political topics especially related to US immigration rights and the US military, then this book could be for you. Happy reading!

Check out The Mutiny of the American Foreign Legion here!

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